A Multidisciplinary Quality Improvement Approach Increases Breastmilk Availability at Discharge from the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit for the Very-Low-Birth-Weight Infant
This article reviewed the aspects of the comprehensive, multi-disciplinary lactation program implemented to help improve breastmilk availability for very-low-birth-weight (VLBW) infants at hospital discharge. The program included the implementation of centralized handling with dedicated technicians of all human milk and formula feedings as well as bar code scanning within the preparation room and at bedside. Other program initiatives included use of a bedside lactation care algorithm, staff training, use of a lactation bundle for families, and expansion of the breast pump program. The authors found that lactation rates at hospital discharge for the VLBW population increased significantly as a result of the interventions.
Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
Christine Bixby, Cindy Baker-Fox, Crystal Deming, Vijay Dhar, and Caroline Steele