Kira Boyartchuk, BSN, RN, MMgmt
Clinical Specialist
Kira Boyartchuk is a practicing registered nurse with over 6 years of expertise in neonatal intensive care. Her clinical experience is complemented by 2 years working as
a Project Manager in health research, data management, and software implementation.
Kira’s passion for improving healthcare outcomes through streamlined operations led her to pursue a Master's degree in Business. This has enhanced her ability to navigate the intersection of best clinical practice, operational efficiency, and leadership.
With a deep understanding of healthcare systems and patient care dynamics, Kira effectively assists healthcare providers to maximize their utilization of Timeless Medical solutions. In her role as a Clinical Specialist, Kira is dedicated to leveraging her clinical proficiency and business insight to empower healthcare professionals, improve safety, and elevate patient care delivery.
Kira’s passion for improving healthcare outcomes through streamlined operations led her to pursue a Master's degree in Business. This has enhanced her ability to navigate the intersection of best clinical practice, operational efficiency, and leadership.
With a deep understanding of healthcare systems and patient care dynamics, Kira effectively assists healthcare providers to maximize their utilization of Timeless Medical solutions. In her role as a Clinical Specialist, Kira is dedicated to leveraging her clinical proficiency and business insight to empower healthcare professionals, improve safety, and elevate patient care delivery.